Matthew 6:24-34 Gospel reading for Sunday 27th February 2011
Well after 5 successive readings from this marathon session of teaching by Jesus, we have still barely scratched the surface (with still all of chapter 7 left unexplored).
This week's final S.O.T.M lectionary segment appears to have been strangely constructed to commence at verse 24. It seems logical that the reading should either have started at verse 19 or verse 25. The teaching in verse 24 is clearly the punch line for the previous section "Treasures in heaven".
The key theme of the reading appears to be the separate thread of thinking "Do Not Worry".
But wait a minute ... just maybe there is a connection. When the bible was originally written, there were no verse numbers and certainly no chapter sub-headings. These only appeared in the New Testament probably as late as the 1500's. It may be that the placement of the sub-heading "Do not worry" has been unfortunate. Perhaps the lectionary "authors" were actually "on the money" when they included verse 24 in this week's reading.
Let's try reading the whole sequence without any breaks or artificially inserted headings.
Warning: I think it is critical that we do not become too literal in directly interpreting this passage for us today.
Do you think Jesus is saying don't worry about ...
- budgeting each week for house keeping so that we have food to eat,
- or have money put aside for clothes when we need them,
- or to insure our property against fire, flood, storm or theft,
- or to prudently make sure that we do put money into super to prepare for retirement?
One verse in this farewell to the S.O.T.M sticks out: v33 "seek first his kingdom ..."
May we in our Lutheran Schools strive to SEEK FIRST a relationship with Him.
It amuses me that what the 'world' offers in terms of security (superannuation, insurance, savings, property ...) is often the cause of more worry and anxiety than relief of it!